
2024 Independence Day - Top Club Lyttelton 07 July

The club celebrated USA Independence Day with a run leaving New Brighton for the Top Club Lyttelton for lunch. Fourteen members made a special effort dressing up to the nines in their USA garb.
Winners for the best dressed were Paul Williams and Vicki Gallagher. The Hard Luck winner went to Doug Payne and a special thanks to Lynnette for the gorgeous USA themed room.

2024 Diamond Harbour Run to Two Thumbs Harbourside 16 June

This is a beautiful drive and Diamond Harbour on a calm day is a pretty impressive sight in itself – a harbourside jewel in Christchurch’s crown. We had lunch at the new “Two Thumb Harbourside” franchise which is a really convivial restaurant and craft beer brewery in the retail precinct behind the NPD Gas station.

2024 Terry's Shed Raid 21 January

Terry has a lifestyle block and some pretty decent sheds absolutely chocka with all things memorabilia and Americarna with a good dose of historic Kiwiana and some remarkable cars and bikes.
Following the visit, we settled into the Silver Dollar pub at Rolleston for lunch.

2024 President's Picnic 28 January

Set back between 1950’s to 1970’s in America, this garden railway is actually in Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand. With many buildings, built from scratch, along with model cars the reality starts to come to life.
Come along and ride the train at Pirfic Station

2023 Christmas Party at the Top Club Lyttelton 03 December
2023 USA Day Gladstone Park Woodend 05 November

2023 USA Day Results
Winner Best in Show –
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan – Adrian McGilland
Winner Best Open –
1931 Ford Model AA Truck – Kevin Jellyman
Winner Best in Show –
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan – Adrian McGilland
Winner Best Original – 1939 Ford Coupe – Phil Gillespie
Winner Best Hot Rod – 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan – Adrian McGilland
Winner Best Pickup Truck – 1948 Chevrolet Pickup – Graham Coates
Best Classic Car – 1969 Mercury Montego MX – Maria Van Nus
Ian Armstrong Plate – 1969 Mercury Montego MX – Maria Van Nus

The Ian Armstrong Plate is presented to the best club car on display at USA Day. The plate was donated to the club by Ian’s wife Diane back in 2013 in memory of Ian.  Ian was one of the GOOD BLOKES always willing to help with club events, hardworking – he set the standard for others to follow, good humoured always with a quick response with his very dry sense of humour. His 1971 Dodge Phoenix was one of his passions.
This was awarded to a club member.

2023 Rocktober Shed Visit 15 October

Hosted by one of Canterbury’s Hot Rodding (and all things generally automotive) legends.
Paul has graciously allowed us to visit his home and workshops to view his collection of all things automotive with a heavy leaning toward Americarna.
Lunch was a short cruise up to the Springston Hotel, Springston. (This was the setting for the 1983 tv comedy show “Rabbiter’s Rest” by David McPhail & Jon Gadsby featuring Billy T James).

2023 Club cruise to the Classic Workshop 10 September

Club cruise over to Lyttelton and returning via Sumner to the Tramway Historical Society’s restoration facility.
Our members had a leisure lunch break sitting in the sun at the Classic Workshop in Ferry Rd.

2023 Canterbury Aero Club Celebrating 95th Anniversary - West Melton Airfield 02 September
2023 ACCC Independence Day - Thirsty Acres - Kirwee 02 July

Best dressed
1st place – Paul & Sue Williams
2nd place – Joanne Doak
3rd place – Bob Harris

Best turned out vehicle
1st prize – Bill Stanley – 54 Chevy pickup
2nd prize – Bob Harris – 97 Ford F150
3rd prize – Steve Freeman – 61 Galaxie

2023 President's Picnic at Murray and Wendy's 22 January

Congratulations to Paul and Sue Williams.  Winner of the Battery Jump Pack Raffle

2022 USA Day 6 November
Photos and articles in this website are courtesy of members, clubs, publications or social media